Thursday 13 December 2012

To blog or not to blog?

I have been looking at what makes a successful blog and I have come up with no useful conclusions. The more successful ones seem to blog everyday......... um, no. I don't think anyone is that interested except maybe my Mother (Hi Mum!) and I have time now - because architecture work is slow - but that won't last (I hope!). I did think, as the world is going to end that I could just blog everyday for the next 8 days, but surely I can find something better to do with my last days on Earth like eat my body weight in chocolate.

Regardless, redesigning my blog has made it ten times more popular than it was, now if I could just make it ten times, ten times, ten times more popular then we might be getting somewhere.

Oh well, maybe the world will end and then I can relax.  

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