Sunday 13 April 2014

The Machinist

I am pausing at the moment, mid painting as I am waiting for a section of it to dry before I can add the supposed finishing touches. Providing nothing bad happens in the next hour or so, I think the painting should qualify as 'a good one'.

I treated myself to some Tiffany and Co glasses the other day (for my face, not to drink with) as it was a big birthday and I decided I was worth it (and the coating on my current glasses had disintegrated to the extent that I was seeing through a permanent mist). As part of the deal on my purchase I got a second pair of glasses free. I didn't pay much attention to the choice of these freebies, being too enamoured by my Tiffany pair. Somehow I seem to have ended up with large black rimmed glasses that should look 'trendy' but more realistically give the impression that in my free time I read encyclopaedias and I like to look at the dictionary before bed so I can learn a new word every day.  Either that, or  I am available for hire to give bad, or serious news to people. Glasses with gravitas, in a non positive way. Anyway.....I make a mess when I paint, so I am wearing the freebie glasses now so if I get paint on them they might lighten the load a little. I hope all my paintings from this point forward are not grey and sensible, or should that be sagacious.

I am going off point slightly, or should that be dramatically as what I really wanted to talk about was the film I watched last night.

The Machinist. Wow, Christian Bale, let me take you out for dinner, maybe one entirely consisting of lard, Mars bars and a Big Mac or two. The film was slightly creepy anyway, but an anorexic sleep deprived Bale certainly added to the atmosphere. The film opens with a thin, insomnia ridden Bale, a person wrapped up in a carpet, no sleep for a year, little food and a few psychotic episodes. All of this, plus a few twists, a few 'eww I can't watch' moments to the reason why he hasn't slept. I got the reason wrong, and it was worth finding the real reason out....


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