Sunday 18 May 2014

London 2012

You have to love days like today, and god knows I needed one as I have felt like I have worked the last 50 days in a row and I seriously need a break. So thank you England, for being sunny, on a day when I had completed everything urgent so I could walk along the Thames, find a patch of green grass and read my book for two hours in the sunshine, feeling relaxed, tired and lazy. The only thing missing was an ice cream.

I still quite want an ice cream...damn.

I have just enough time to tell you about my latest commission before I have to go and package up a painting I just sold and then settle in for a film and an early night. If I don't get rid of these dark circles under my eyes soon, people are going to start querying domestic violence or ask me whether I have a secret penchant for boxing. I have neither, I just need a few more days like today or just a few work free weekends, or to be able to sleep beyond 6am in the morning - I was made to be a night owl, not an early bird!

Anyway....I have a slightly unusual commission to complete in the next week or so as it is going to raise money for the Make a Wish Foundation by going up for auction in June. This worries me slightly - what happens if no one wants it and it doesn't raise any money!?!?! Nothing like a bit of pressure to make this painting a good one, or a desirable one, or a something one, a saleable one? I am going to try not to think about it too much and just paint as I normally would otherwise it is liable to not go well. I do have a bit of guidance as it has to be in the style or similar to a painting I did before called London 2012. I have done it once, how hard can it be to do it again!?!

'London 2012'

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