Tuesday 13 August 2013

Paint in Numbers

I was hoping by now I would have remembered what I was going to write last Friday but I think that thought is now officially lost. Let's just hope it wasn't important!

The weekend just gone was a bit of a mixed bag art-wise, partly because I had to work and partly because I stupidly decided to paint 4 paintings simultaneously. Stupidly because I normally find doing multiple paintings extremely unsatisfying. This time was no exception.

So why did you do four in one go I hear you ask?

It was mostly because they were just quick, small sketches and painting on a small scale is not my forte so I was trying to spice things up a bit.

As much as the four sketches ruined my life on Saturday evening (I should have just gone to the pub instead) as usual I am slowly starting to accept them for what they are. The most interesting thing has to be the response they are getting as it seems as though everyone has a different favourite. For some unknown reason I always prefer the least popular one, and that goes for all my work. I obviously have no taste.

Which one is your favourite?


  1. Number 3 all the way! and you do have taste, its just that it is the direct opposite of everyone else!! :)

  2. Thanks Polly! I put a poll on facebook and Number 4 seems to be the most popular one at the moment!

  3. Number 2 is my favourite, but it wouldn't take too much for me to change my mind or to become horribly undecided!!

    1. Well I am sure no one can be as disloyal as me, I normally only like the latest painting I have done, or bizarrely the ones I hated the most once I had done them. I seem to be rather fickle!
