Friday 30 June 2023

2020.... what?

 Gosh, well this is horrendous. I didn't realise I hadn't written a blog post at all in 2023! Is it too late to wish you all a Happy New Year? That would be a yes. 

Well 2023 is a mixed bag so far, an amazing, inspiration filled trip to Barbados, at the beginning of the year and a trip to Sweden coming up next week. But also an overload of architecture work, and a horrible cold, once, twice, three times and bam, pretty much in bed for a month dosed up on a cocktail of antibiotics and nose drops and still not convinced I am back to full health 3 months later....

But, I have managed to paint slightly more consistently in the last few weeks, and finally updated all my sites and website to show the 5 whole paintings of this year. I sincerely hope the latter half of 2023 is rather more kind and more prolific. This is the first time since I have started this journey that I have really struggled to stay on track, have wondered and forgotten what I was doing and why. 

But I am hoping it is just a blip, it seems I can still paint, and I still need to as I have felt better for doing the most recent ones. I just need some time and to stop putting it on the back burner.....