Tuesday 4 February 2014

An Eccentric Weirdo

I read an interesting article the other day, well actually the article was rather dry but it's sentiment was interesting, actually in some respects the article seemed rather stupid but I am going to go with it anyway.

Apparently studies have been carried out that prove that the more eccentric an artist you appear to be the more people value and rate your artwork, and indeed the more they will pay for it. It seems there is a thin line though, you have to be naturally eccentric and not eccentric by choice or via an idea that being eccentric is a marketable quality.

I shall in this case, take the fact that one of my closest friends, who lovingly refers to me as an 'Eccentric Weirdo' (I hope it is lovingly at least) is in fact paying me a supreme artistic compliment. I am nothing, if not periodically, slightly soft in the head. Now, if you will excuse me,  I think it is time to put a bin bag on and a bow in my hair and go shopping.....

(Incidentally, you can read the full article here.)


  1. Just wear your knickers over your jeans & your bra on your head, job done, millions of sales will follow.

    Judas- Marketing expert.

    1. I should be able to style my bra so it looks like I am an imitation of Princess Leia which I am sure will only add to my success ;-)

    2. You've got it! Naturally, I want photographic evidence.. :D

    3. Will you accept a cheque? :D

    4. A cheque will be fine (as long as it doesn't bounce) :-P
