Tuesday 18 May 2021


I am currently in the process of trying to get back into a better routine again, reminiscing about the olden days during the first lockdown, when the sun was shining and every day I got up, did some yoga and wrote a blog post. 

My current state, in lockdown 3, is it is raining, positivity in the morning is elsewhere and then procrastination usually hits in for the rest of the day, interspersed with a walk, coffee or Zumba depending on which day it is. 

This is not good, well it is and it isn't!  

I have three commissions I need to do and I need to keep up the marketing. I have done well recently, selling things on Etsy, bespoke print sales and painting sales. The momentum seems to be slowing though, either because life is opening up again or because I have been being a bit slack.

It's probably both those things. 

I have behaved this week so far though, kind of. Two new paintings are for sale online, two blog posts have been written and I am prepping a facebook/Insta/Twitter post shortly (hopefully). Fingers crossed one of the commissions will be completed tomorrow as well. Painting is tough at the moment, as I am torn between needing to do the commissions and wanting to just paint how I feel to get some of life's current intensity off my chest. 

I guess painting is another thing I need to make time for. Which is pretty obvious really, but everything has seemed too difficult and grey for quite a long time.  

Buuuuut, I have managed a couple of paintings just for me. Both made up on the spur of the moment, in the style of painting a background and seeing where it takes me. Here is the first, entitled 'Moonlight'

You can find more out about it here on my website.  

29th of April

 I wrote a blog post the other day that I couldn't get to post. I wrote it on the 29th of April in fact! Oops, time flies when you are having fun! Lets pretend that is what I have been having. 

Lets see if I can post it now:

29th of April

"Considering two months have now gone by, it is fair to say I am completely off the boil with blogging! I can't even vaguely pretend to remember what has happened over the last two months.

I have at least been busy. I had a big architecture project come in and some commissions and quite a few painting sales and bespoke print sales. I also still have three or possibly four commissions left to do and finally managed to paint something for me on Monday. My current problem is remembering what I am doing and when I need to do it by. Time seems to have a mind of its own. I don't know how we managed to survive what we had to do on a daily basis, pre lockdown. It feels like one thing a day is good enough for me at the moment!

When too much has happened it makes it difficult to work out what to share first, or whether you should just bypass the last few months and start again afresh.

As my last post was a cat portrait, and I have done another one since, I figure I may as well start by sharing that. I have met these two cats too, so it seemed funny to be studying them so closely. It makes it much more difficult to judge them dispassionately when I know them, so I was glad when the client was pleased with the result.

So here, they are: The lovely Lady and Bella


I am also pleased with the abstract background on this one. I had to paste the two cats together from separate photographs so coming up with the setting was a bit more difficult than usual!" 

That would be a yes then! I am not sure why I couldn't get it to work last time, but never mind....