I need to catch up with myself, or stop trying to catch up with myself depending on which me you are talking about. Oh dear..... fortunately I am due a break over the next few days so then hopefully I will be back to 'normal'
Before then though I have a couple of things to share with you, one of which is this super exciting email from the recently signed up to artfinder.com. They sent this out at the weekend to all their members highlighting me as one the top 10 new artists to watch!! This is the first kind of commercial or artistic recognition I have received, well, formally received at least so I am pretty chuffed! It is also nice for someone else to do some publicity chasing for me as I spend hours promoting to not much visible gain. Artfinder.com also set a but of a twitter storm in motion with my latest painting which was also exciting to follow.
Hopefully if I can carry on like I have been, with a little extra help from artfinder.com I can really start to get things moving.....
(Big old email.....!)