Monday 14 October 2013

Primary Colours

So I guess it is probably time, now I am relaxed and ordered with a mere 44 things on my to-do list *wipes solitary tear from eye* to talk about my primary school visit the week before last (already that long ago!?)

Bear with me why I explain how it came about.....

A few months ago an old friend from school bought one of my paintings to hang in her daughter's room. Said daughter (Elena) was so taken with the picture that she mentioned it to her teacher as they were learning about artists that term. He suggested they take the painting in and have a go at copying it. Gemma (my friend and Elena's Mum) got in contact with me to check this was ok and to ask a bit more about me (we haven't seen each other for over ten years). I obliged, said it sounded amazing - take some photos! She said 'Sure - would you like to come in and see the display?' Um ok! Would you like to talk about your work? Errr. Maybe take a lesson and do some drawing? Oh dear.....

But I did. And it was AMAZING! What a nice class, what a nice school and all the children (6-7 year olds) were so enthusiastic, asking questions, commenting about my work and generally making me feel famous. They all had a more than good stab at drawing 'Familia Tree' as I talked it through and drew it with them.

The highlight had to be going round each of the children at the end, talking about their work with them and 'autographing' their sketches, that and receiving a beautiful picture from Elena.

You can read what the school said about the visit here

(I also enjoy the fact that the other artists they had already looked at included Constable and Van Gogh - I keep good company!)

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