I have a bit of free time at the moment that I am not sure I am using wisely. I am slightly out of practice at having time to think so I keep excessively procrastinating. This does not make me feel very productive in the run up to Christmas. I feel slightly under pressure to make the most of the season and sell some paintings as I did quite well this time last year. The 'rush' didn't start until the middle of December though so I have some time. I think I also need to give myself some slack as I have sold a lot more throughout the rest of the year than I have done previously. Nothing quite like unnecessary expectation to wear you out!
On a more positive note, I did find myself in some exciting publicity the other day. I periodically internet search myself to make sure there are no images or comments out of place in the vast ether that is the World Wide Web. It is also interesting to see if I have made any inroads anywhere, and this time I have! I found an article (you can read it
here) saying my work, specifically 'Ridge' is one of the 7 best types of art prints to buy. This is because it is a 'wall-filling show stopper'!
'Ridge' 30" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas |
I will gladly accept that as a compliment, so thank you Laura Barns for the description that I am now going to name drop EVERYWHERE!
Laura, the 'wall-filling show stopper' Hol, has a nice ring to it.
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