Wednesday 12 June 2024

Thunder and Lightning.....

 I just read that a successful artist I follow has been rejected from the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 14 times, so I feel a bit more vindicated now that it isn't just me. 

After the previous blog post, the photoshoot was a success, my camera just about survived and I have a new one arriving on Friday ready to take pictures of my two latest artworks. I posted another reel that was successful, and one which very much wasn't so I am still learning on that front. I have also updated a few link errors both on here and my website as I deleted my DeviantArt and Society6 profiles but forgot to remove them from anywhere. So busy, busy. 

Other than that, not much to report, another painting trial to complete for an art company I freelance for and a large limited edition print sold but that is it for the moment. I need to order some Cuba prints and some Golden Temple ones as they keep selling out. I also have some card packs to put on Etsy, it seems easy to drown in the to-do list! 

But whilst I tread water, here is one of my latest paintings. This time inspiration came in the form of a thunderstorm, partly because I spent two evenings watching thunderstorms in Croatia a couple of weeks ago, and then returned to the UK to another one. So it seemed like they were on my mind, that and I tend to paint dramatic weather when I am unsettled, grumpy, frustrated or fed up (or all three). So here is my emotion purge that I still need to name....


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