Thursday 3 September 2020

Home where?

So, the new painting is finished minus a personal detail that needs adding and it getting client approval. The new painting logo commission thing I need to do is underway as well, with round one of the potential sketch ideas complete, also waiting for client feedback. So that is two things kind of sorted.  

I have also been thinking about my calendar for next year. It would be good to get this done sooner rather than later so I can be prepared for once in my life. I also have some points with my printer that I can use against the purchase. I am hoping I will have more selling power this time with a Facebook Shop and Etsy, so maybe I should buy a few more than usual. I did also contemplate a pre-order type system so that then I will only order what I know I will sell. I hate wasting things. Even more decisions to make. 

In the meantime, I really should concentrate on putting my masks up for sale, but I am 100% more tempted to add the home-ware sections onto here instead and by home-ware, I just  mean adding my prints, cushions, cups and puzzles onto here. They will  link back through to my website, which should help their individual page rankings apparently. It makes more sense to do the thing I am in the mood for as then I will actually do it, so everything else may have to wait for a while. 

In the meantime, online Zumba is calling my name as I have ants in my pants today. It seems like my patience with the 2020 Covid-19 experience is waning thin. I would like to stop feeling like I am being told what to do all the time today!

*Throws toys out of pram* 


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